ENJO.Cleaning with a clear conscience.

10 reasons to have a Demo in JANUARY 2024

Hosting an ENJO Demo is a wonderful way to reconnect with people and show off incredible products that can completely change how you clean your home. While you can have a fun and informative Demo any time of year, January, in particular, is a great time to share the products you love.

There are so many reasons why summer is the perfect time to host a Demo; keep reading to learn more!

Why January Is A Great Time To Host A Demo

In general, staying clean in the summer is a smart idea that everyone should keep in mind. Tidying up here and there will help you avoid illness and stay safe. With ENJO, you can make your cleaning sessions faster and better.

Considering having a January Demo? Here’re ten amazing reasons why you should:

1. ENJO Have a MEGA DOUBLE DIP Demo Reward incentive in January! We want to say a big thank you to Hosts who hold a Demo in January. That’s why on certain dates in January, ENJO rewards Hosts with DOUBLE ENJO DOLLARS. It’s easy to work out! See your Demo turnover and match it to the corresponding Demo Reward AND THEN DOUBLE IT!

2. You Can See ENJO’s Effectiveness In Person. Even if a product seems amazing, you cannot see its effectiveness yourself if you’re shopping online or at a store. There’s nothing quite like seeing how incredible a product can be with your own eyes – seeing ENJO in action will give you more confidence about your purchases.


3. You’ll Have The Opportunity To Save Money. ENJOpreneurs have the wonderful opportunity to get discounts on popular products for themselves and their buyers! You can save heaps of money on Instant Conversions or Starter Sets and enjoy their awesome benefits at a discount.

4. You Might Even Score Some Free Products! Are you hosting an ENJO Demo yourself? If so, you may even be able to get some of your favourite products for free!

5. You’ll Encourage Others To Be Better To The Environment. One of the best parts about using ENJO products is that you’re taking a step towards a healthier, greener future. You don’t need any chemical cleaners to successfully use ENJO cleaning products, which means you won’t be putting any chemicals into the environment, and your home will be safer for your family.

That’s not all either – because you won’t use chemical cleaners, you also won’t need to buy and then throw away the packaging that chemical cleaners come in. Too much packaging is also a huge problem that is damaging the earth.

6. You’ll Learn Exactly How To Use These Products Effectively. Sometimes, learning how to use a product just from printed instructions can be tricky. The best way to understand exactly how to use new cleaning products is to see a professional use them themselves.

7. You’ll Be Able To Ask Any And All Questions You Have. Unfortunately, you can’t really get quick answers to all of your questions as you’re shopping – but you can when you have a Demo. As your ENJOpreneur explains the wonderful ENJO products they’re demoing, you can ask any question you have. You can eliminate any doubts or confusion that you have and you’ll help the others at your Demo understand the products more, too.

8. You Can Reconnect And Bond With Friends And Family. An often overlooked perk of holding a Demo is that you can have a fun time with your friends, family and guests. You can catch up with people as you learn about and buy valuable new items. Finding the time to get together isn’t always easy; why not have a lovely conversation as you learn about new cleaning products?

9. You’ll Be Supporting A Local Businessperson. ENJOpreneurs do a lot to show people how they can improve their lives. They put a lot of passion and energy into their work, so you’re supporting a local businessperson and helping a friend when you have a Demo.

10. Host an ENJO Demo and see what is involved in becoming an ENJOpreneur.
Are you ready to show your friends and family how they can clean safely and effectively without any chemicals? By becoming an ENJOpreneur, or letting one host a Demo at your home, you can encourage eco-friendly practices and discover new ways to clean.

If you’d like to learn more, we invite you to visit our contact page or call our team at 0800 140 340.

Using ENJO products is fun, easy and incredibly rewarding!