ENJO.Cleaning with a clear conscience.

How to earn $250+ in 5 hours

No matter what kind of life you have, you could always use some extra income. Want to earn some extra money in only a few hours and enlighten people about the wonders of chemical-free cleaning? With ENJO, you can do all of that and more!

By becoming an ENJOpreneur, you can make over $250 a week with as little as 5 hours of work a week. Does this sound too good to possibly be true? Keep reading to learn more!

How Do I Become An ENJOpreneur And Start My Selling Journey?

As an ENJOpreneur, you can sell your favourite ENJO products to your friends, family and anyone else who is interested in these outstanding products. Becoming an ENJOpreneur isn’t that complicated. You can easily visit our website to start the process.

To become an ENJOpreneur, you need to:

  1. Contact Us At ENJO. The very first step is to contact us at ENJO. You can easily reach us through our website, email or freephone. We look forward to hearing from you!
  2. Have A Conversation With Us To Determine If Being An ENJOpreneur Is For You. Once we get in contact, we’ll have a conversation and talk about the ins and outs of being an ENJOpreneur. Here, you can determine if being an ENJOpreneur suits you.
  3. Get Started With A Business Kit. If you want to get started, you can sign our agreement, and we’ll send you a Business Kit to help you start off right.
  4. Undergo The Right Training. We’ll provide you with excellent training so you can get into the ENJO mindset.

So, How Can I Make Over $250 A Week In Just 5 Hours Of Work A Week?

You’ve signed up to be an ENJOpreneur, but when do you start making money?

This is where you’ll get into the profitable side of being an ENJOpreneur – the selling! Although, when you sell ENJO, you’re not just selling; you’re also sharing. We all know that keeping our homes clean is beneficial, and you’re sharing ways to make house cleaning more efficient and fun.

By investing in ENJO, you don’t have to spend as much time building brand awareness, and you certainly don’t have to work on your products because we’ve already perfected our goods. You can work as little as 5 hours a week to start earning money right away.

There are two primary ways that you can sell ENJO products and make bank:

Direct Selling. Direct selling is exactly what it sounds like; you’re selling directly to the customer. Instead of setting up a store and having shelves full of products, you take your awesome goods right to your valued customers. This form of selling cuts out the hustle and bustle of keeping up with a storefront and goes directly to getting great products to your customers and money to your pockets.

Home Demos. The second way you can make money as an ENJOpreneur is to get people to host a home Demo. A home Demo is where the Host invites people to their home to come and see demonstrations of the ENJO products. Here, they can purchase wonderful new products, and where the Host can even earn rewards for hosting their own home Demos. As an ENJOpreneur with just one Demo a week, you can expect to earn around $250 a week! If you do more work, you can expect to earn even more than that.

Those are both ways that you can make money directly, but there are also other things you can do to boost your sales and grow your client base. To be more profitable and reach more people, you can:

  • Become Active On Social Media. Nearly everyone is on social media today, so this is a great platform for sellers to use. You can go to your favourite social media website and show off your favourite products and talk about the wonderful benefits of ENJO. Plus, you can inform people about the dangers of household chemicals and give them a way to avoid using them with ENJO.
  • Participate In Community Events and Shows. Some community events invite local sellers and people to come and advertise their wares. You may be able to promote your goods at events like this. Additionally, getting out there and being friendly with potential customers is a great way to advertise your goods.

I’m Interested! How Can I Learn More?

Are you ready to change your life? Improve your life and make some money by becoming an ENJOpreneur! Earn some extra cash, share your best products and earn some fantastic bonus rewards.

Do you have any questions about joining the ENJO family? Call our team at 09 533 0130 or visit our contact page.

Make over $250 with as little as 5 hours of work a week with ENJO!